👋🏼 Hello there, I am Malay Joshi. I am a Computer Vision and NLP practitioner, currently working as an AI Engineer at Wow Internet Labz, Bangalore, India, on different stages of development of GenAI-based (vision and text) products for some of the most prominent enterprises around the globe.
In 2023, I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from AKGEC, Uttar Pradesh. My thesis project on “DRISHTI: Visual Navigation Assistant for Visually Impaired” was advised by Prof. Suvarna Mujumdar and Prof. Himanshu Tripathi and supported by FabLab, AKGEC Campus.
During the summer of 2022, I had a wonderful time being part of Google Summer of Code and working with Andrés Becerra Sandoval, Valerio Arnaboldi and Magdalena Zarowiecki to contribute to BioNLP-based open-source project at EMBL-EBI, United Kingdom. My other stints include the opportunity to intern at DESIDOC-DRDO (with Dr. Mohd Yousuf Ansari), Dubverse (with Varshul Gupta), Wow Labz (with Amit Singh and Varun Gyanchandani) and Erevna(with Prabhanshu Chauhan).
Research Interest
My current research interests lie at the intersection of Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing (Traditional techniques, Transformers, LLMs). I always love to see technology from the lens of feasibility and impact while being used as a system by the target user base within the society. My goal is to continue exploring knowledge of technology in-depth and use it to develop efficient, economical and personalized visual and textual information processing and synthesis solutions that could assist and entertain society.
I am currently looking for opportunities to pursue research and development in a similar field with applications open to enterprise-level conversational systems, marketing campaigns content generators, sales intelligence solutions, and enterprise-level productivity tools.
- AUG'23 Attended 5-days Short Term Course on Computer Vision and Intelligent Applications 2023 at NIT Kurukshetra.
- JUL'23 Participated in 3-days Artificial Intelligence Summer School (AISS) organized by Infosys CAI, IIIT-Delhi.
- DEC'22 Concluded service as a Program Coordinator and one of the 6 mentors for semester-wise ECE Mentorship Program for junior students during my 5th, 6th and 7th Semesters of college academic session.
- SEPT'22 Wrapped up the Google Summer of Code 2022 as a Contributor. Worked on the project "Extract important information from scientific papers". More details about the project in "Work Experience" section.
- JUN'22 Concluded two-year long service as a Core Team Member of AI group at Google Developer Student Club at my college.
- AUG '22 National-level finalist at Smart India Hackathon 2022.
- MAY'22 Second runner-up at Plan2Hack 2022 conducted by Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi.
- FEB '20 Among the top-5 finalists in IoT Challenge 2020 at UPES, Dehradun in association with Aakaar'20 IIT Bombay.
- JAN '20 College-level finalist at Internal Smart India Hackathon 2020.
- NOV'19 First position at Dr. Abdul Kalam Technical, Literary and Management Fest'19 (State Level) conducted by AKTU, Uttar Pradesh for Technical Poster Making.
- NOV'19 First position at Dr. Abdul Kalam Technical, Literary and Management Fest'19 (Zonal Level) conducted by KNMIET, Uttar Pradesh for Technical Poster Making.
- OCT'19 Second position for research poster presentation at SCROLLS'19 for technical poster presentation competition.
- SEPT'19 Participated in 2-days Workshop on IoT 2019 at IIT Roorkee organized by ROBOTech Labs